Tuesday 4 October 2011

1.   How old are you?
16-18             18+
   [   ]               [   ]
2.     What gender are you?
Male               Female
 [   ]                     [   ]
3.   What genre of music do you like to listen to?
Hip-Hop                    R&B               Rock              Pop                Rap
    [   ]                            [   ]                   [   ]               [   ]                  [   ]
Other (please specify) _________________
4.   What music channels do you like to watch?
Kiss                MTV                VIVA              Box                 Smash hits              Scuzz
 [   ]                 [   ]                   [   ]                [   ]                        [   ]                          [   ]
Other (please specify)_____________
5.   Does a good video make you want to buy the track?
Yes                 No
[   ]                  [   ]
6.   What do you look for on a CD cover?
Attractive cover                Favourite artist                  Favourite genre
            [   ]                                          [   ]                                          [   ]
Favourite music                Other (please specify) __________________
            [   ]
7.   Do you prefer to listen to the song before you watch the music video?
Yes                 No                   Don’t mind
[   ]                  [   ]                         [   ]

8.   What other types of music promotion /advertising appeal to you?
Billboards                Magazine adverts             T.V adverts
     [   ]                                       [   ]                                    [   ]
Internet                    Radio adverts                    Other______________
    [   ]                                  [   ]
9.   Do you prefer music videos to subvert or adhere genres?
Subvert                    Adhere
    [   ]                              [   ]

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